창 밖으로 물을 버리는 이유영어/영어유머 2021. 12. 23. 19:34
A: Why did the man throw a bucket of water out the window? 왜 창 밖으로 한 바께스의 물을 버리나요? B: He wanted to see the waterfall. 폭포수를 보려고요./물이 떨어지는 것을 보려고요. A: Why did the man throw the butter out the window? 창 밖으로 버터를 왜 버리나요? B: He wanted to see the butterfly. 나비를 보려고요./버터가 날아가는 것을 보려구요. A: Why did the man put the clock in the safe? 왜 시계를 금고에 넣나요? B: He wanted to save time. 시간을 절약하려고요. * see the waterfall..
넌센스영어/영어유머 2021. 12. 23. 19:31
A: What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs? B: A clock. A: What has a neck, but no head? B: A bottle. A: Where is the ocean the deepest? B: On the bottom. A: hand(손, 시계의 바늘)가 둘이고, face가 하나이면서, 팔과 다리가 없는 것은? B: 시계요. A: 목은 있지만 머리가 없는 것은? B: 병이요. A: 바다 가운데 가장 깊은 곳/것은? B: 바닥이요.
통화는 짧게영어/영어유머 2021. 12. 23. 19:31
A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up. "Wow!," said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?" "Wrong number," replied the girl. 10대 소녀가 30분동안 통화를 하고 나서 전화를 끊었다. 아버지 왈, "야, 통화를 왜 그렇게 짧게 했어. 보통 2시간씩 통화하잖아. 왠 일이니?" 딸 왈, "전화가 잘못 걸렸어요."
안 아픈 데가 없어요영어/영어유머 2021. 12. 23. 19:30
A man goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor, wherever I touch, it hurts." The doctor asks, "What do you mean?" The man says, "When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts. If I touch my knee - OUCH! When I touch my forehead, it really, really hurts." The doctor says, "I know what's wrong with you - you've broken your finger!" 어떤 남자가 병원에 가서 의사에게 "만지는 곳마다 아파요"라고 말했다. 의사: 무슨 뜻인가요? 남자: 어깨를 만지면 어깨가 아프고, ..
느림보 거북이영어/영어유머 2021. 12. 23. 19:29
Once there were three turtles. One day they decided to go on a picnic. When they got there, they realized they had forgotten the soda. The youngest turtle said he would go home and get it if they wouldn't eat the sandwiches until he got back. A week went by, then a month, finally a year, when the two turtles said,"oh, come on, let's eat the sandwiches." Suddenly the little turtle popped up from ..
지금 몇 시예요?영어/영어유머 2021. 12. 23. 19:27
(After teaching about telling time) Teacher: What time is it? Students: Umm, eight fifty-nine? Teacher: Nope. Students: About nine o'clock? Teacher: No. Students: What then? Teacher: It's time to go home. (시간에 대해 가르친 뒤) 지금 몇시지? 8시 59분요. 아니야. 9시쯤인데요. 아니야. 그럼요. 집에 갈 때야.
불평 많은 수도승영어/영어유머 2021. 12. 23. 19:26
A man wanted to become a monk so he went to the monastery and talked to the head monk.(어떤 남자가 수도승이 되고자 하여 수도원에 가서 대수도승(?)에게 말하였다.) The head monk said: "You must take a vow of silence and can only say two words every three years."(대수도승은 침묵을 맹세하고 3년에 한번씩 두 마디를 할 수 있다고 말했다.) The man agreed and after the first 3 years, the head monk came to him and said, "What are your two words?"(그 남자는 동의하였으며 3년 후에..
영국 사오정영어/영어유머 2021. 12. 23. 19:24
Two old men were sitting next to each other on the London subway (tube). Their hearing wasn't so good. One says, "Is this Wembley?" "No," the other says, "It's Thursday." The first replies, "No thanks, I already had a drink." 런던 지하철에 두 명의 노인이 나란이 앉아있었다. 그들은 잘 듣지 못했다. 노인 1: "여기가 Wembley인가요" 노인 2: "아니오, 오늘은 Thursday입니다" 노인 1: 됐습니다. 이미 마셨습니다. *Wembley를 Wednesday라고 잘못 들었으며, Thursday를 thirsty라 잘못들었네요.