
  • [Azar] 정관사의 용법 2
    영문법/기본영문법 2021. 12. 28. 18:49
    1. the + N[Sg]: class meaning

      The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.

      cf. man은 무관사로서 race를 나타낸다.

           If oil supplies run out, man may have to fall back on the horse. 

          물론 group of people을 가리킬 때는 the가 쓰인다.

            The small shopkeepers are finding lie increasingly difficult 

      단수 동사를 취한다.

          If man destroys other species, he may be next on the list.

    2. the + 형용사

      a. a class of persons: 복수 취급(=those who ...)

          the old; the strong; the rich

          The young are impatient; they want changes. 

      b. 추상명사: 단수취급(the thing which ...)

          The true, the good and the beautiful were the ideals of the Greeks. 

    3. 고유명사: seas, rivers, groups of island, chains of mountains, plural names of countries, deserts

      the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Antarctic, the West Indies, the Alps, the Netherlands, the Sahara

    4. 교통수단(means of planes, ships, and trains)

      the Queen Mary, the Korean Air

    5. public institution(hotel, station)

      the Grands Hommes(cf. Seoul station 지명이 포함된 경우에는 the 생략)

    6. 명사 + of + 명사 형의 이름

      the Cape of Good Hope; the Straits of Dover

    7. 형용사 + 명사(east, west 등의 방향을 나타내는 형용사 제외)

      the New Forest, the High Street
      Yucatan is in North America.

      cf. the west of Spain, the south is warmer than the north
      cf. the North Pole, the East End

    8. 고유명사 

      the Sudan, the Hague

    9. 악기(musical instrument)

      She learned to play the flute.

    10. 병명(names of disease)

      the measles, the toothache, the flu  cf. a headache

    11. 특정한 식사(names of meals qualified)

      The dinners Peter used to give were really memorable.

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