
  • [Azar] 정관사의 생략
    영문법/기본영문법 2021. 12. 28. 18:50
    1. 장소나 사람 이름 앞

      예외) The Smiths = Mr. and Mrs Smith (and children)
      I want the Mr. Smith who works in the Post Office.

    2. 직함 + 명사: Captain Jones was talking to Doctor Black.

      cf. the Duke of York(of와 함께 쓰이면 the를 씀)

    3. 추상명사

      Men fear death.
      cf. The death of the Prime Minister left his party without a leader.

    4. 식사명

      The Scots have porridge for breakfast.
      The wedding breakfast was held in her father's house.(특정한 식사)

    5. 신체 또는 의복(parts of the body and articles of clothing)

      Raise your right hand. He took off his coat.
      cf. She seized the child's collar.(possessive)
      =She seized the child by the collar.

      The brick hit John's face.
      =The brick hit John in the face.
      He was hit on the head.

    6. indefinite plural nouns: general

      Women are expcted to like housework.(women in general)

    7. home

      The got home late.
      We went to the bride's home.

    8. primary purpose: church, college, school, hospital, prison, sea, bed, work

      We return from work/school/market/church.
      I went to the church to see the carvings.

      cf. They are at sea (in a ship, not necessarily as sailors)
      They are the the sea.(at the seaside)

      cf. cathedral, office, cinema, theater 등은 the가 쓰임.
      He is at the office.(그러나 at work)

    9. 무관사: 일반적 의미일 때

      추상명사, 물질명사, 복수명사, 고유명사

    10. 경기: play tennis cf. play the guitar
    11. 교통수단: by car/train/boat, on foot
    12. 계절, 명절: winter, Easter
    13. 대칭적 나열: arm in arm, man to man, word by word

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