
  • [Azar] in과 on
    영문법/기본영문법 2021. 12. 29. 17:53
    1. in과 on은 제한된 공간을 가진 경우에 쓰이는데, on은 표면을 나타낼 때 쓰이고, in은 영역을 나타낼 때 쓰인다.

      Three players are practicing on the field. (surface)
      Three cows are grazing in the field. (area)
    2. The frost made patterns on the window. (surface)
      A face appeared in the window. (area)

      The sheep are grazing in the pasture. (enclosed by a fence)
      The cattle are grazing on the open range. (not enclosed by a fence )

      Three players are on the basketball court. (not enclosed)
      Three players are on the soccer field. (not enclosed)
      Two boxers are in the ring. (enclosed by ropes)
    3. 영역을 은유적으로 나타낼 때, 예를 들어 학문의 경우 in을 쓴다.
      She is a leading researcher in the bioengineering field.

    4. 거리를 나타낼 때 in과 on이 쓰인다.

      a) The children are playing in the street.
      b) Our house is on Third Street.
      c) He declared bankruptcy last week, and now he's out on the street. (관용적)
    5. in과 on이 교통수단과 함께 쓰이는데, 자가용은 in, 대중교통수단은 on을 쓴다.사람에 따라서는 대중교통수단이라 하더라도 차가 정지 중일 때는 in을 쓰고, 이동 중일 때는 on을 쓰기도 한다.

               My wife stayed in/on the bus while I got out at the rest stop.
               The passengers sat in/on the plane awaiting takeoff.
    6. in the car
      on the bus
      on the plane
      on the train
      on the ship

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